Filtering 1 Liter Of Water For USD 0.02 - USD 0.05

Aerogel Perlas For Industrial Wastewater Filtration In Iztapalapa, Mexico

(Haga Clic Aquí Para Leer El Sitio Web De Aquaperla En Español)

🚱 The Problem

157K Homes don’t have daily access to water in Iztapalapa. The water trucks and wells are contaminated with bacteria (E. Coli), oils, and heavy metals (arsenic, iron, and cadmium). Families spend 15% - 25% of their monthly income on water purchasing.

Captura de Tela (871).png

Understand more about the water quantity and quality crisis of The Iztapalapa Delegation.

💧 The Status Quo

Current filters in the Iztapalapan market are 3 times the average monthly income and require bimonthly maintenance to achieve adequate efficiency.


Check out Bebbia, Purikor, HidroShop, etc. if unsure about the status quo of Iztapalapa water filters.

✅ Benefits Of Quality Cost-Effective Filters

An average of 1 person would survive if families had a 54 MXN increase/saving in daily income. The reduction in deaths (1 in 5000) from diseases would represent an average monthly household income of 2600 MXN due to the effect of human capital (health) (Source)


💡 The Solution

Now you know the requirements for impacting Iztapalapa! But what does our solution offer?